Datuk Lajim to lose Klias Seat?
According to Harun Din, Election Commission's Chairman, if there is proof that aliens have voted in the recent Sabah polls, then the particular seat will be declared vacant and a fresh poll be held according to the law.
On Thursday, 6th May, 1999, a Pakistani charged with having a fake temporary IC receipt told the Kota Kinabalu Megistrate Court here that he used the same document to cast his vote in the 1994 and this year's Sabah Sate General Election.
Shahzada bin Narmoz, 38, contended in his defence testimony that the document was genuine as he obtained it from the National Registration Department. He claimed to have stayed in Sabah for the past 14 years, Shahzada said he obtained the blue IC with the help of two elderly women from Likas in 1993.
He said he lost his IC and obtained the temporary receipt for the lost document from the NRD's office by paying RM20 for the processing fee.
Megistrate Zaman Mohd Noor had earlier ordered Shahzada to enter his defence as the prosecution had made out a case against him on the charge frmaed under Section 25(1)(e) of the National Registration Act 1990 which carries a sentence of up to three years jail or fine or both on conviction.
Shahzada also inform the court that he didnot personally apply for the document from the NRD (meaning to say the IC he have is fake but was accpeted by the Election Commission when this guy registered himself as voters) Zaman reserved his judgement to May 20 and extended Shahzada's detention order, pending the disposal of the case.
Note: If on May 20, the court finds Shahzada guilty as charged, the Court or the authority responsible to disqualify an Assemblyman from holding office should take the neccessary action to declare the Klias state seat vacant and call for fresh election.